This is unpublished

David W.
M.D., Ph.D.

Physician & Research Faculty
Professor Emeritus, Division of Hematology and Oncology, University of Washington

education and training

  • Ph.D. in Genetics, Rockefeller University
  • M.D., Cornell University
  • Residency in Medicine, New England Deaconess Hospital
  • Fellowship in Hematology-Oncology, UW
  • Fellowship in Molecular Medicine, Fred Hutch



clinical and/or research career

Dr. David Russell's research focused on developing and optimizing methods for hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy. His studies of vector design and gene targeting, HSC biology and HSC immunology were prominently published in journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Genetics and Nature Biotechnology. His honors include receiving the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers and election to the American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI) and the American Association of Physicians (AAP). Dr. Russell served as Chair of the Therapeutic Approaches to Genetic Diseases Study Section at NIH and President of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASCGT). Locally, he served as Director of the Hematology T32 postdoctoral training program and was named Inventor of the Year at UW in 2014. He founded and ran the company Universal Cells in order to create gene-edited universal donor pluripotent stem cells for cell therapy.